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the cultural hall


White Chocolate Apricot Puffs

New Refreshment Blogger- Carmell Previously to my entering Del Monte's Crown the Cook Recipe Contest, any mention of the two words "canned apricots" and I was immediately envisioning nursing homes and mushy, flavorless, half moons....yuck, yuck, and some more yuck!…
Richie T
December 19, 2012

Cherry Chocolate Christmas Mice

  The Christmas season crept up on me quietly this year. Yes, as quiet as a mouse, you might say. Which brings me to the first of several Christmas recipes I'll be sharing within the next couple of weeks.  This…
Richie T
December 17, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Milkshakes

As sisters in Zion, we all work together, which is why I turned to the talented sisters at Our Best Bites for this next recipe. This is one of my favorite recipe sites. These girls know how to cook. And…
Richie T
November 20, 2012

Nutella Cinnamon Rolls

Fall in Mormonland means General Conference and General Conference, at my house, means cinnamon rolls. I used to make a complicated, time-consuming, super-rich-triple-bypass cinnamon roll that was never done until the second session was well underway, but then I found…
Richie T
October 23, 2012

Missionary Work: Building Your Downline?

The Cultural Hall podcast interviewees are always asked what their dream calling would be, and as I come to that part of each episode I find myself wondering what I would answer. That answer changes periodically, but the answer to…
Richie T
October 2, 2012

Dreamsicle Cookies

  I have a friend that doesn't like chocolate all that much. Despite this fact, she's a great person. She laughs at my jokes and tells me I'm awesome. If you don't have a friend like this, I highly recommend…
Richie T
September 23, 2012

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookies

It's okay. You can stare.  Who needs a clever lead-in when they've got Oreos swaddled in ooey-gooey chocolate chip cookie staring them in the face? I know it doesn't matter what I say at this point; you're just going to…
Richie T
September 11, 2012