1:30 Texas Snow 4:00 Click here to purchase Tales of a Paperboy 4:22 Click here for Sally Deford free music 6:10 Click here for Janice Kapp Perry music 8:38 Click here to suggest a name for Richie’s new house 11:50…
Ian grew up in the U.K. and converted to Mormonism in 1995, in his early 20s. His Missionary is his best friend, to this day. Ian has a background in performing arts and journalism and gave enjoyed success as an…
0:55 Kurt Francom’s First Podcast 1:24 Where to Become a Patreon Saint 2:20 Leading Saints Podcast 6:07 Where is Orcas Island? 9:40 Aunt Mayor of Taylorsville 13:20 Dave Ramsey Show 14:40 Mormon Tithing Revisited 19:00 Ensign Peak Advisors Article 19:55…
1:07 Church’s huge auction 2:50 Definition of Literary Agent 7:44 Desert Start Christmas show (without Richie:() 10:14 Brother Kyle In the News 11:38 Richie on Morgan Jones’ All In podcast 15:20 Rachel Hunt Steenblik’s ginormous baby 15:54 Tiny Kindnesses 16:40…
I am a mother of 4, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and a woman trying to figure out how to minimize resentment, overwhelm and guilt, and replace them with happiness, gratitude and joy. Three years after…