We all desire to obtain the marvelous blessings promised by a loving God to His faithful children. In that quest, it is essential to understand what has been taught in the scriptures and by Church leaders about God's patterns and…
By now you have probably read the AP Article about the abuse situation in a ward in Arizona. If you haven't - Stop now - Read this But, what do we do with it? How do we explain it? How…
Joseph Smith death mask Mormon Land interview with Lachlan Mackay Geek out definition R rated movies are now on Disney+ Best Dj in Utah What is the point of a donut wall? Pillow Tie: for napping at work (or church)…
Articles of News Episode 618 Links What is cursive? What are checks/cheques? BYU student TikTok prank sparks abortion debate Happy anniversary Bro Kyle!!! Bro Kyle episode 545 Church offers statement on helpline AP article about bishop and church helpline Zach…
So a bunch of your friends have just announced they've left the LDS church via a viral anonymous question app... Now what? A guide to navigating your freshly exmo relationships.