Scriptures stories and Mormon history are packed with angels. Some singing from on high and others zapping sinners to repentance. Confession: from soon after my husband shared his doubts up until last Christmas I was begging, pleading for one of those angels to visit my house. I really didn’t care whether it was the singing or the zapping kind. I just wanted one. For a while I was actually bitter that we weren’t “worth it”- that my family was falling apart and all we needed was one heavenly messenger to get us back on the right path.
Last Christmas something changed and it wasn’t because of divine visitors. It was a change in what I wanted. I came to the conclusion that God was less concerned with what people believe about deity and more about how they actually behave to their fellow humans. The God I know doesn’t care if you wish somebody “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Hanukkah,” “Happy Festivus,” or even *gasp* “Merry Xmas.” That would just be petty. I guess I finally made my grown-up Christmas list. You know the song, beautifully sung by Amy Grant and various other artists. Some may see it as idealistic, but I can dream.
No more lives torn apart,
Then wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.
And every one would have a friend,
And right would always win,
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list.
I honestly don’t care if my husband believes or doesn’t believe. I care that he is kind and genuine.
Here’s my new list:
Don’t worry about sending me an angel. Instead, help me to feed someone who is hungry and give comfort to somebody who is in need. I’m ok. Actually, I’m happy. It’s nice to be able to say so.
Peace on earth, Shalom, Namaste,
Featured ImageĀ Lesley Show