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The Twitterstake’s Best from Sunday Afternoon’s Session of Spring 2018’s General Conference ArticlesCurrent Topics & OpinionsUncategorized

The Twitterstake’s Best from Sunday Afternoon’s Session of Spring 2018’s General Conference

Most of these tweets will probably be about the big news part 2. 1. This thing that happened “We have made the decision to retire home teaching and visiting teaching as we know it." #PresNelson | #LDSconf— Ricky Acker (@RickyAcker)…
Matthew J
April 1, 2018
Twitterstake’s Best Tweets from General Conference’s Priesthood Session of Spring 2018 ArticlesCurrent Topics & OpinionsUncategorized

Twitterstake’s Best Tweets from General Conference’s Priesthood Session of Spring 2018

Here are the priesthoodiest priesthood tweets to have ever priesthooded. 1. This reminder to follow your passions When you’re passionate about your job and don’t care what others think #ldsconf— Clayton Ashcraft (@claytonashcraft) April 1, 2018 2.This hec*kin protestor…
Matthew J
March 31, 2018