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849 Hear Hymn God’s Gracious Love  #1013

By October 2, 2024October 3rd, 2024Episodes, Uncategorized

Hymn Overview

  • Title and Number: “God’s Gracious Love,” Hymn #1013
  • Composer/Lyricist: Sally DeFord, a renowned LDS composer

Sally DeFord is a prolific and beloved composer within the LDS community. Born in 1959 in Eugene, Oregon, she has made a significant impact on LDS music through her beautiful and inspiring compositions1. Much like Janice Kapp Perry, DeFord has become a household name among Church members due to her extensive catalog of choral, duet, solo, and instrumental music.

Key Points About Sally DeFord:

Prolific Composer: DeFord has written a wide range of music that is both creative and spiritually uplifting. Her works are known for their beauty and emotional depth.

Accessibility: One of the most remarkable aspects of DeFord’s contributions is that she offers her compositions and arrangements for free on her website. This generosity makes her music accessible for solos, small group numbers, and ward choirs, regardless of budget constraints.

“The Lord has placed me in circumstances that currently don’t demand extra income, he has inspired the creators of technology to produce programs that I can use to publish the music without the assistance of typesetters, and he has given me a gift that I did nothing to earn. Sharing seems logical.” -Sally Deford

Influence: Her music has proliferated throughout LDS culture, becoming a staple in many Church meetings and events. Her arrangements are often used in worship services, making her a significant figure in the Church’s musical life.

DeFord’s dedication to sharing her talents freely has endeared her to many, and her music continues to inspire and uplift members of the Church worldwide.

  • Year Written: 2024
  • First Line/Key Line: A notable line could be: “In mercy’s arms, I find my rest, embraced by God’s gracious love.”
Historical Context
  • This is a new addition to the LDS hymnbook and has not been part of any previous editions. Sally DeFord is well known for her sacred compositions, with many of her works reflecting deep themes of faith and devotion.
  • The hymn was specifically written to emphasize the boundless, unconditional love of God and aims to remind believers of His ever-present mercy and grace.

Cultural and Religious Significance

  • While Sally DeFord’s compositions are recognized widely among LDS communities, this particular hymn is not as common outside LDS culture. However, it holds universal themes that many Christians might relate to, especially the concepts of divine love and grace.
  • Central Theme: God’s unconditional love, mercy, and grace. The hymn underscores the transformative power of divine love, resonating deeply with core Christian teachings.
  • Church Hymn Selection Criteria:
    • Increase faith in and worship of Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ: The hymn clearly speaks of God’s love, inviting worshipers to reflect on His divine grace.
    • Teach core doctrine with power and clarity: The message of God’s love is foundational in LDS teachings, and this hymn reinforces that doctrine.
    • Invite joyful singing at home and church: Its melody and lyrics lend themselves to uplifting, heartfelt singing, suitable for both personal worship and congregational settings.
    • Comfort the weary and inspire people to endure in faith: With its emphasis on God’s gracious love, it provides reassurance and comfort.
    • Unify Latter-day Saints and others throughout the world: The hymn’s universal message of love can resonate with believers across different cultures and denominations.

Inclusion Rationale

  • Why It Was Included: Being one of the newer hymns, “God’s Gracious Love” brings a fresh perspective to worship while emphasizing timeless truths. Its focus on God’s love aligns with the ongoing effort to expand the hymn repertoire with music that speaks to contemporary faith experiences while reinforcing core doctrines.

Impact and Reception

  • Initial Reactions: Though it’s a recent addition, the hymn has quickly gained popularity among members of the LDS Church, appreciated for its heartfelt message and beautiful melody. Its themes of divine love make it especially impactful in worship services and personal devotion.
  • Potential Impact: This hymn is likely to be used in a variety of settings, from sacrament meetings to family home evenings, due to its comforting message and ease of learning.

Additional Notes

  • Sally DeFord’s work has long been celebrated in LDS music circles, and this hymn is no exception. Her inspiration stems from a deep desire to share the gospel, and “God’s Gracious Love” stands as a testament to that mission.
  • A potential multimedia element could include exploring performances of this hymn, which are likely to appear in the LDS Gospel Library or other platforms as its popularity continues to grow.


Day by day, God’s gracious love surrounds me

As a balm to soothe my troubled heart.

Countless cares and worries that confound me

Fade away or quietly depart,

For His heart is kind beyond all measure,

And He comforts us as He knows best.

Ev’ry day, with all its pain and pleasure,

Mingles tears with peace and rest.


Day by day, the Lord is ever near me,

Granting loving mercies for each hour,

And my care He gladly bears, and cheers me

With His counsel pure and holy pow’r.

I’ll not fear for what may come tomorrow,

Though the path ahead I cannot see.

He assures that in all joy or sorrow,

“As thy days, thy strength shall be.”


Help me rest in quiet consolation.

Help me trust Thy promises, O Lord.

When I’m faced with daily tribulation,

Help me find the strength to live Thy word.

Then, dear Lord, when toil and trouble find me,

Hold me steadfast in Thy pow’rful hand.

Day by day, Thy strength will bear me kindly

Till I reach the promised land.