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Dr. Tyler Johnson is is a medical oncologist, author, and a clinical assistant professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He also serves as a leader of the Stanford inpatient oncology services, including supervising the oncology housestaff service. Tyler has served as Bishop in the Stanford Ward and taught institute. He co-hosts The Doctor’s Art podcast and writes on the intersection of medicine, ethics, and spirituality. Tyler’s writings has been featured by Religion News Service, the Salt Lake Tribune, BYU Studies, Dialogue, and The San Jose Mercury News, where he is a regular contributor.

Purchase When Church is Hard

As a bishop of a young single adult ward, Tyler Johnson once hosted a Q&A night in which ward members could submit any question anonymously. Many members’ questions echoed the thoughts of one person, who asked, “Growing up, the restored gospel meant so much to me. It was intuitively important. As time passes, however, the gospel simply doesn’t seem important. The irony is, I want it to matter. I want it to regain that intuitive importance in my life. Can you please help me understand why it matters?”

In When Church Is Hard, you’ll find empathy and understanding about challenges you may face as you navigate life in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the context of current-day issues. You’ll also discover how the decision to stay can be not only reasonable but a powerful commitment to furthering the common good—including the good of marginalized members. Find a new perspective on how committing your life to discipleship in the restored Church can be a daring, beautiful, even countercultural act that confirms the best of what’s within us and offers theological richness found nowhere else.

If you are struggling with questions and seeking to square your intuitive sense of the good found in the Church with questions about its history, doctrine, culture, or practices, this book is for you.