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838 AoN The Longest Running Show

By August 31, 2024Episodes

Saints who Sport | 8/30/24

ParaOlympics | Paris, France 







    • Olivia Moultrie
      • National Women’s Soccer
      • Portland Thorns
      • 18 years old
        • 4th season
      • Recvd scholarship from UNC at 11 years old
        • Gave back scholarship and went pro at 13
      • Due to regs, women couldn’t go pro till they were 18, unlike men
        • She took it to court and won
          • Signed with the Thorns thereafter
          • Now 20 teens are pro
      • Didn’t make Olympic team due to injury
      • I’ve had a lot of firsts and a lot of hard situations that I put myself into to get to where I am today, and I really think the backbone of all of that has been my ability to have my faith and just really believing everything happens for a reason and that the decisions I feel motivated to make and compelled to make, I feel like there is a reason behind those things…There may be expectations from other people, but they’re never expectations that I haven’t already put on myself. I’m a very ambitious person.”
      • “With all the Sunday games that’s not always applicable, but just making any moments I can in my day to kind of like ground myself, I think that’s important…The nice part about it is, obviously, like my faith can, it’s always with me, and so it’s not something that like I feel I have to necessarily attend something to feel (it).”
        • Gen Z do religion differently

