If you like tweets and General Conference, we’ve got good news for you. Here are some of our (my) favorite Saturday morning session tweets.
This bit of topical religious humor
Question: if I don’t have a white handkerchief… but have stocked up on toilet paper…? #GeneralConference #LDSconf
— jenny noonan dye (@formerlyphread) April 4, 2020
This let down in horticulture
#GeneralConference When the Elders Quorum gets put in charge of the plants instead of the Relief Society. We're still learning, we'll get there. Eventually. pic.twitter.com/XFnd5AJgj5
— ʕ •ᴥ•ʔbearscanbeninjas2ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ (@StuartJakins) April 4, 2020
This reminder that President Nelson is a good guy outside of his Prophethood
I love that President Nelson still pauses for laughter even when there is no congregation there. He is the sweetest. #GeneralConference
— Ashley Victoria (@SnoWhite37) April 4, 2020
This bit of sarcasm
The TabCats are terrible at this social distancing thing. Flatten the curve man. #GeneralConference
(I know it was prerecorded so don’t @ me)
— The Stake Clerk (@TheStakeClerk) April 4, 2020
This pitch
“They need a laugh track.”
—My husband, commenting on President Nelson’s jokes meeting silence in an empty auditorium. #GeneralConference
— Barbara Jones Brown (@bjonesbrown) April 4, 2020
This likely scenario
If you don't have a white handkerchief, it's okay. Don't go shopping. #GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/A5BKMoAPs4
— Bishop Ofaward (@BOfaward) April 4, 2020
This ponderizing tweet
Wonder what the Three Nephites are up to right now. #GeneralConference
— RadderDaySaint 2020 (@RadderdaySaint) April 4, 2020
This joke for those in the know
And now for the most dramatic Conference yet #GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/y5FoMM5nHx
— Tanner B (@Tanner_Pack) April 4, 2020
This reminder of the importance of personal revelation
"Joseph came to realize that the Bible did not contain all the answers to life’s questions; rather, it taught men and women how they could find answers to their questions by communicating directly with God through prayer." #PresBallard | #GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/J2saSUQ0Xj
— Robin J.Oram.. (@oram_robin) April 4, 2020
This reminder that all of us can find answers
Joseph saw himself as too young and unlearned to reach a reasonable conclusion. The Lord can fill whatever we lack through prayerful communication. #generalconference
— Rebecca Clark (@GroundedWhimsy) April 4, 2020
This timely bit of advice
President Nelson reminds us to fill our personal spiritual storehouses. Don’t want to be like…#GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/AsLQq4olyX
— Marilyn Powell (@MarilynPowell17) April 4, 2020
This bit of family history
Hyrum Smith is the epitome of goodness. I love learning about his life of discipleship and sacrifice. President Ballard is the right person to talk about him, being his great-great grandson. #GeneralConference
— David J Smith (@davidjsmithLDS) April 4, 2020
This joke about protestors
I like to think that somewhere out there, there is a conference protestor who picked up his devil outfit from the dry cleaners and just showed up to the conference center and shouted:
"We did it! We got it canceled! They really ARE all going to hell!"#GeneralConference
— Scott Knudson (@ScottTheAmazing) April 4, 2020
This live action shot from my living room
Trying to watch conference with a toddler #GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/zRLR1hvNwB
— Vanessa Taylor (@vannytaytay) April 4, 2020
This reminder of the sacrifices some have made for God
We have overcome the world by love. #HearHim #GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/I03qbACfuU
— Shayne Thompson (@RShayneThompson) April 4, 2020
This reminder about why we need Christ
The thought that rescued Alma is this: fixing what you cannot fix, this is the essential purpose of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. #GeneralConference
— Jessica Bankston (@Jessicasagari) April 4, 2020
This reminder about the importance of women
It is impossible to measure the contribution of Women in the Kingdom of God. Sisters, it is our turn to contribute to the winding up days of the history of the church. #GeneralConference
— Mark Clement (@LindonClement) April 4, 2020
This health recommendation
The pulpit should probably be disinfected between speakers #GeneralConference
— Lee Hale (@leetroyhale) April 4, 2020
This spidey meme
#GeneralConference the 2 elder Rasbands got us like: pic.twitter.com/n6iRBCprTO
— G (@mrredditpage) April 4, 2020
This video
Cute ✨ #GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/de5Gs4PpTZ
— Claudio (@Acnail) April 4, 2020
This reminder that improvement is eternal
President Nelson: there's never an end. Never ever..#GeneralConference
— Joy (@Buhlerzz) April 4, 2020
This second reminder that the plants are missing
Anyone else very impressed with the beautiful display of raw broccoli behind the speakers?#GeneralConference
— Chase McPhie (@cxmcphie) April 4, 2020
This reminder that women are often held (and hold themselves) to impossible standards
“Women wear many hats, but it is impossible and unnecessary to wear them all at once.” – Sister Jones #GeneralConference
— Mary-Faith (@classycurls7) April 4, 2020
This reminder of the role of women
Woman’s preeminent role is to hear Him and to follow Him.
Thank you, Joy Jones.
That’s it. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. #GeneralConference
— Janiece Johnson (@JanieceJohnson) April 4, 2020
This pop culture reference
Elder Anderson's talk in #GeneralConference be like pic.twitter.com/x8zzlNKQiS
— Not a Megan (@megsto15) April 4, 2020
This tweet speaking truth in meme form
"What a wonderful time we live in."
#GeneralConferenceI'm doing my best to try and remember that. Right now it be like pic.twitter.com/Ka017RXMuu
— Book of Mormon Commentary (@BofMCommentary) April 4, 2020
This quarantweet
“As you organize activities, meetings, and other gatherings…” #GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/8ZD1AsYTkt
— The Relevant Questions (@RelevantQuest) April 4, 2020
This reminder of what’s important
The Gospel cannot be forced into our hearts. It's not God's plan to force us to choose God, it's His goal to help us CHOOSE to be more like Him #GeneralConference
— Jennifer Blythe (@riverbeauty3) April 4, 2020
This reminder of what’s important part II
Goals aren’t the point, they’re a tool. Christ-centered personal transformation is the point. #generalconference
— Rebecca Clark (@GroundedWhimsy) April 4, 2020
This tweet that gave me a chuckle
Satan always has a cheap counterfeit. The Lord calls Fishers of Men. Satan offers us Catfishers of Men
#GeneralConference pic.twitter.com/F21D54rUMG
— ryan. (@TherapistNotes) April 4, 2020
Henry B. Eyring: Joseph Smith used prayers of faith to receive continuous revelation. As we face continuing challenges, we too will need to use the same pattern. The prayer of faith is the key to receiving revelation. #GeneralConference
— Matthew Watson (@xy4xx0) April 4, 2020
This reminder that prayer is important