This tear-jerker from Elder Ballard
so this is how this talk is gonna go??? #GeneralConference
— Sister Witch Hazel (@hayzul_nut) October 7, 2018
It amazes me that he wrote this talk before his wife died.
Really though, it was touching
There is such a heaviness to #ElderBallard's voice and demeanor. I am beyond impressed he could even speak today at all after just losing his wife. He is truly a man of God. My mom just told me he is a direct descendant of Hyrum Smith, too. #generalconference
— Pammy (@DMThisIsPam) October 7, 2018
This great advice about service
Don't just bring brownies, look out for them in love. (Though sometimes brownies are a good way to do that 😉 ) #SisCordon #GeneralConference
— Chocoholic24 (@LDSCocoASL) October 7, 2018
This Sister really did an amazing job
Thank you Sister Cordon for acknowledging those who struggle with mental health and their families. Suicide is a reality we need to face and reach out in love #GeneralConference
— Jennifer Deon ☀️ (@Jennifer_Deon) October 7, 2018
This understated jok that started an v. important conversation
My first college version of an automobile was an '85 Mercury Topaz Gold which I named Walter. #GeneralConference
— Liz Ostler (@LizOstler) October 7, 2018
This reminder that our actions have a ripple effect that we do not notice
“Because you were hurt once, this whole family has been hurting for years. We’re broken and you’re the only one who can fix us.” #ElderHolland #GeneralConference
— Mike Deal (@themikedeal) October 7, 2018
This important nuanced point about forgiveness
Thank you Elder Holland for reminding us that we can forgive without returning fo a dangerous or toxic situation #GeneralConference
— Jennifer Deon ☀️ (@Jennifer_Deon) October 7, 2018
Hopefully, next time, the TwitterStake will give church leaders the benefit of the doubt before flying off the handles.
This TABCATS wink
Someone’s happy to be on the stand this morning #ldsconf #generalconference
— Spooky Fall-time Madelyn (@madelynove) October 7, 2018
This talk about the Book of Mormon that we keep needing
Me: ope, the obligatory Book of Mormon talk.
A pause.
Me: okay, but if we keep hearing it, OBVIOUSLY it matters and we oughta pay attention.
I'm digging this emphasis on the gathering of Israel. #GeneralConference #ElderBowen— Rose (@42ndfall) October 7, 2018
This message about those who are doing what they are supposed to but are still struggling
Theres no escaping trials and hardships. It's a condition of this life. No one is spared in mortality. #GeneralConference
— Adam Ebberts (@AEOK81) October 7, 2018
This reminder to just keep surviving
you are NOT meant to perish spiritually, you were meant to survive spiritually!!
i cannot tell you how many times i have felt that i had no hope for myself or my soul- this is very comforting to me#generalconference
— poetic kate (@poetickate) October 7, 2018
This hopeful message
No injustice, no persecution, no trial, no sadness, no heartache, no suffering, no wound—however deep, however wide, however painful—will be excluded from the comfort, peace, and lasting hope of" Christ. #ElderAndersen #LDSconf #GeneralConference
— Travis (@GospelTrek) October 7, 2018
This recognition that the name change was a good thing
President Nelson reiterates the reasons and importance of the name of the Church. I appreciate his explanations. I was wrong to criticize his initiative as I did. Emphasizing the name of Jesus is a profound good. #GeneralConference
— Boo Coffin Consent (@ByCommonConsent) October 7, 2018
This way of looking at things
He is basically admitting right there that the church has wronged and was in need of repentance and the CORRECTION from the Lord. This is powerful. #PresNelson #GeneralConference
— Cody Phillips (@CodyAPhillips) October 7, 2018
This reminder that there will still be some growing pains
"I heard you served a Mormon mission…?"
Me: #GeneralConference
— Mormonger (@Mormonger) October 7, 2018