Here’s the dopest of the dope from Saturday’s afternoon session!
1. This person who yelled out “Something something sexual predator!”
What did that guy say? #Ldsconf
— Keisha Crawford (@Keishacoleee) March 31, 2018
2. This reminder that meekness is not weakness
Meekness is strong, not weak. Active, not passive. Courageous, not timid. Restrained, not excessive. Modest, not self aggrandizing and gracious, not brash #ElderBednar #ldsconf
— Heather Gardner (@FireIcePhotos) March 31, 2018
3. This reminder that time is short
I think in one way or another we all, at some point, will have a ‘one more day’ realization…a realization that we must use wisely the time we have. #ElderGodoy #LDSConf #Accurate
— Leslie Inskeep (@leslieinskeep) March 31, 2018
4. This rookie move
It's ok President Oaks, nobody's perfect #ldsconf
— Jasmin Gimenez (@GimenezJasmin) March 31, 2018
5. This reminder that, unless it’s explicitly a responsibility of the Aaronic Priesthood, young women should be involved
Do those who sit on ward and branch councils see how young women can bless the lives in the ward? #SisterOscarson #LDSconf
— Allen Blodgett (@allenjblodgett) March 31, 2018
6. This reminder to take our religion seriously
#CasualnessLeadsToCasualties Don't take the ordinances and covenants of the gospel lightly #LDSconf #ElderWakolo
— Seth (@CoxWebDev) March 31, 2018
7. This deep pull
What new word will we learn from Elder Durant today? #ldsconf
— Uncle Nacho, duh (@UncleNachoDuh) March 31, 2018
8. This reminder for Church members (more specifically men) everywhere
NEVER 👏🏼 TOUCH 👏🏼 A 👏🏼 YOUNG 👏🏼 LADY 👏🏼 INAPPROPRIATELY 👏🏼#LDSconf #ElderDurrant
— tatianarampage (@sometots) March 31, 2018
9. This summary of Elder Renlund’s talk
Elder Renlund: God seals and heals individuals and families despite tragedy, loss, and hardship. #ldsconf
— James Valentine (@ValentineJames) March 31, 2018