I think everything that could be said about the LGBT apostasy/child baptism issue has been said. Everyone has either stormed to burn the church down with pitchforks in hand or stormed to the church with buckets of water to keep it from burning.
We’ve seen people arguing in real-time but at the same time we haven’t seen anyone thinking in real time. Basically, everyone has thought about where they stand and then decided to post afterwards.
I want to change that.
Here are the thoughts that have gone through my head over the past couple of days since I heard the news. (All the Gifs are from ReactionGifs.us)
1. Wait, SSM couples didn’t get ex’d for getting married previously? That’s kind of surprising.
2. I’m sure the progressive members of the church are going to feign anger and surprise over this news.
3. Wait… their kids can’t get baptized? Why?
4. What do you mean kids of polygamists can’t get baptized either?
5. Well that’s new old-news to me.
6. I wonder why that is. They didn’t do anything wrong.
7. “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.”
8. Hmmm. I wonder why the church would do this.
9. I should write a blog post about this to tell people to chill the fetch out until we learn more about this.
10. And now the Internet is going nuts.
11. Ahh … classy. Here come the over-simplified memes.
12. Let’s not pretend everyone knew this was a thing before now.
13. I really just feel the need to plaster MormonsAndGays.org on every single thread that I see.
14. Hey! Kathryn Skaggs, picked up Michael Terrence Worley’s post on the issue.
15. And now Dan Peterson is commenting on it now.
16. Interesting how Peterson isn’t sure that the church is claiming this was revelation. I wonder if Skaggs thinks it was. Do people expect me to?
17. Oh look there are two of my friends who plan on attending a mass resignation.
18. Well neither of you were active as of recent so it’s not like anything is changing.
19. OMG, you can’t complain that kids are being denied “blessings” when you’ve been going around for the last couple of months calling yourself a “secular humanist.”
20. You either think baptism is needed or you don’t. I assume that if you have publicly abandoned your belief system you don’t think it’s necessary so you should stop acting upset.
21. I’m done with all these memes and vitriol.
22. SO DONE.
23. Ooooo finally, the church shared something about the policy.
24. That makes sense.
25. I guess if we don’t NEED to be sealed in this life we don’t NEED to be baptized at 8.
26. Better to let them wait and prevent unnecessary contention in the home than it is to give them just enough rope to spiritually hang themselves.
27. Oh look, LDS.net post an article, “The 9 Facebook Myths About the Church’s New LGBT Policy,” sure it sounds click-baity but I’ll give it a go.
“There are others who insist that these new changes set sins of homosexuality as more serious than other sins. Again this is not true. Adultery and fornication are both grounds for excommunication. Up until the legalization of same-sex marriage, those who participated in same-sex relationships could receive church discipline under either of these other grounds.”
28. Yeah but SSM is now considered APOSTASY. Although you can get ex’d for both apostasy and breaking the Law of Chastity, it is super disingenuous to pretend that the two are the same. Let’s stop with the mental-somersaults please. The Church CLEARLY is holding SSM to a different standard than it does other chastity-related issues. Can we just own that? No need to spin things.
The Church of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) took formal steps this week to define marriage equality as a form of apostasy in…
Posted by Human Rights Campaign on Friday, November 6, 2015
29. OK, screw the HRC.
30. Great, now there are protests.
31. So now we’re politicizing kids. Great.
32. What is this #SufferTheChildren hashtag?
Cracking up seeing posts about Family Homo Evening in SLC! Way to go – that is awesome! #lovethyneighbor #sufferthechildren
— Sharon Leonard (@Sharonsayswhat) November 10, 2015
It’s a church’s right to do this. This is just another example of why I moved away from it. #sufferthechildren #wow https://t.co/rbrGfQI5FZ
— Fritz (@FritzQS) November 6, 2015
Too bad the @LDSchurch isn’t actually concerned with following #Christ. #sufferthechildren #hypocrisy https://t.co/4jNLUjQhBV
— M’lisa Glyndŵr (@HoneybeeAurora) November 7, 2015
#sufferthechildren pic.twitter.com/VgyJlZt043
— Julie Bee (@julierightmeow) November 6, 2015
33. Ok, for every one honest-to-goodness tweet, there are several tweets from people who were already out the door.
35. I’m done. Super done.
36. I might not understand this decision 100%. But I don’t think the brethren are bad people therefore I will assume that this decision was meant to be merciful. I understand why people find this upsetting but I think the Church is doing the best it can here.
37. #TeamChurch