What makes a good talk? For me, learning new things, being reminded of things learned before, and hearing things which validate personal beliefs are just a few elements of a good talk. There was a lot of that to be heard at the Utah South Area Regional Conference on Sunday, September 13th, 2015. Elder M. Russell Ballard presided, and most of what I’ll reference here is from his talk, the text of which can be found here.
Be a better receiver of gifts. (President Linda Burton) Our behavior reflects our love for others, and often our gratitude for gifts. The Sabbath Day is a gift from the Savior.
I’m your leader but I’m not the boss of you. (President Linda Burton) Stopping her talk to say, “Let’s stop and ponder what the Spirit is teaching us right now,” made my inclination for rebellion melt away. She also didn’t give a Do or Do Not list but instead said, “We will know in our hearts if we’re doing what we need to keep the Sabbath Day holy in our homes and hearts.”
It’s not a contest. (Elder Donald Hallstrom) Let’s not make Missionary Work/Genealogy the new Tastes Great/Less Filling. It’s all hastening the work, and it’s all one eternal round.
Say, “I don’t know.” Elder Ballard didn’t say this directly, but he did tell us to not brush off questions, or tell those with questions not to worry. “We have heard stories where someone asking honest questions about our history, doctrine, or practice were treated as though they were faithless. This is not the Lord’s way….Please do not doubt the person’s dedication to the Lord or His work. Instead, help the person find the answers to their questions.”
Say, “I know.” Elder Ballard didn’t say this directly, but he did tell us we need to be better in responding to honest questions. “Although we may not be able to answer every question about the cosmos or about our history, practices, or doctrine, we can provide many answers to those who are sincere….[T]he Lord does not require His Saints to have advanced degrees in history and Church doctrine….[T]here are those who have very different backgrounds and training that allow a sharing of a wide range of experience to our discussion and deliberations.”
Using a smartphone for calling and sending text messages is dangerous while driving. In the text of the talk this is only the first part of a sentence, but when Elder Ballard said it he did so with force and as its own idea. It was a segue into counseling families and individuals to unplug from devices and enjoy each other’s company, but I can’t get away from the power of something so simple— counsel many of us hear, even preach, all the time, yet somehow think we’re above. It’s dangerous. #StopIt
If a neighbor, work colleague, or schoolmate is not interested in investigating the gospel, we must always continue to extend the hand of friendship. Where did we get the idea that friendship is based on past or eventual baptism?
Be nice—it’ll show your kids how to be nice. “I invite every parent listening today to talk with your children about how they should treat others not of our faith on the school playground and in our neighborhoods. Our children learn best by the example of parents and leaders. Let us be careful regarding what we say about others and how we treat our fellowmen.”
But really: those commandments. “’[T]hou shalt not bear false witness.’ We ask other faiths not to speak about our church based on misrepresentations; therefore, we must not do so with them….’[T]hou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ If we are His disciples, we must practice Christian civility and kindness to all we meet, including those who have chosen to disassociate themselves from the Church.”
When they are learned they think they are wise. Not only should those who have received a formal education never look down on God’s children with disdain because they have lacked the opportunity or gift to go to school, this extends to how we talk about those who teach or speak at church. “In His eyes, are we not all weak?”
Repentance is courageous. “May you have the courage to repent if you need to. If there is something going on in your lives, wherever you may be hearing this broadcast, may you have the courage to deal with it today.” “If we need to do better, may God bless us to so do.”
The Utah South Area extends from just South of Salt Lake City to Southern Utah, extending into Arizona and some of Nevada.
Featured Image by Kheel Center