My gratitude towards you all has grown exponentially these past 17 months! Gratitude for everything has grown these past few months actually!!! When you get older, you just get more sensitive to the spirit, and I have probably cried in every lesson lately! And whenever someone asks to give a spiritual thought, I just know I better grab my tissues. 😉 Some really amazing lessons happened! We had this really strong feeling we needed to talk about prayer with a member family and it turned out that they invited someone who used to be really active in the church, but hasn’t prayed in a year. He started crying and said some really profound things about how Heavenly Father goes to our level in our prayers. So if we don’t do them perfectly, He still hears and anwers them. Then He said, “I’ve never realized that before.” And We were like, “Well, we didn’t teach you that! The spirit just did!” AH! THen we taught Fern and Jesse. Jesse met with the Bishop and thier relationship is already AMAZINGLY more strong. He’s helping Fern do the dishes, they’re going to church together, and they both said, “After we went to church and heard so-and-so- take a stand about this issue we KNOW that this is the true church. No other churches are taking a stand aobut that right now!” It was pretty neat! We had a church tour with Akon and her 3 sons. Her sons were totally excited to come to church, but Akon said she likes her bible studies and doesn’t want to leave….AH! So we’re gonna get the boys signed up for scouts and see what happens! 🙂 We walked around in -2degree weather because we’re in a car share now when we don’t have exchanges. (We’re over 7 areas). We’ll be busy but so happy for my last transfer!!!! WE had Dinner at the Spendloves again and Emily told us she really wants to get a testimony this weekend! So we know that her prayer can get answered with faith and her desire. 🙂 YAY!
Oh yeah, and do you remember Romaine?!!! The guy who I talked to last week during email? HE CAME TO CHURCH!! And we taught him 2 lessons and then handed Him to the Elders–who have taught him 2 lessons!! Haha he’s hillarious! Can’t wait to see him progress and change. He’s eating it up!!
HEY!!! We wrote Sister Dixon and Sister England and I made this song up!!! We’re so happy about it! It goes to the Tune of “The Beverly Hillbillies”
We were driving down the highway, contemplating the Plan of Salvation…when all we saw was–
Corn, Corn, beans, and corn
A truckload of hogs, and a few longhorn.
Gimme some butter cuz all the morn,
All we’ve seen is beans and corn!
Been in a drought for a couple 3 years.
Grown a lotta stock, but not many ears.
But that’s ok, there’s plenty of ears
thirsty for the Gospel cheers!
Corn, corn, beans, and corn–
Grab your sickle and sound your horn!
Get a white jumpsuit cuz in the morn,
You’ll be baptized and feel reborn!
We can’t sit and wait for the corn to grow.
We’re called to harvest those who know
And listen to the Shepherd’s voice,
then help them to make the right choice!
Church, church, go to church!
Pray everyday, it can’t hurt!
read the Book of Mormon through and through!
Soon you’ll know the church is true!
The field is white, already to Harvest.
As Elders and Sisters we’ll work our Hardest
To bring 550 to the waters
and Save our Father’s Sons and Daughters!
Des MOines, Des Moines, IowaDes Moines.
We’re missionaries in Iowa Des Moines!
Harvesting the Ears who’ll do
All the Father Asks them To!!
But I will simply close with my testimony of the atonement. Jesus Christ can heal ANY heartache or pain that we have! If we can’t forgive ourselves, then it’s almost insulting the spirit by not taking in all that Heavenly Father WANTS to give us!!
NO worries, we’re set for Thanksgiving!! 🙂 Love you all soooo much!
Sister Tobias 🙂 🙂 🙂