Happy Mother’s Day yesterday! It was so good to see you yesterday, Mom and Dad! You two look so happy. Thanks for telling me not to come home! I felt inspired to work hard so the Lord will send more blessings your way. 😉
This week is a cliff-hanger! We met some INCREDIBLY SWEET investigators, but I really can’t tell you how they’re doing because they kind of just dropped out of the picture for the moment. We are trying to track them down… We know that Alyssa moved to Osky. 🙁 And her boyfriend doesn’t have a cell phone…So we’ll have to track him down with “spiritual promptings.” But we were in the store last Monday and a lady came up to US and invited us to see her house and how she’s got it all decorated for Tulip TIme. She was an older lady who was very lonely, so we took it as an opportunity to share our message! She really needs the gospel’s comfort that she will see her husband in the next life. We hope she will answer again. She accepted a baptismal invite. 🙂
We went to Ottley, which is a town so small that you would miss it if you blinked! 😉 When we stepped out of the car and onto the dirt to go finding, Sis. Cannon and I honestly started to tear up. It felt like sacred ground. We don’t think any missionary has ever stepped foot in that town before. We had great success. :0
Renae and Brandon are so great too! Renae found out about the Book of Mormon because she is worried about her 11 year old son being a “gangster” when he grows up. She called the local police station to ask about how to sign Brandon up for some kind of program to keep him out of trouble. The man who answered was Mormon! And he never works that shift! But happened to be there when she called. The local police station didn’t have a program for kids that young, but he suggested something else that could change their lives. This was right in time for us!!! We got there shortly after she got a copy from this police officer. Isn’t that something??! 🙂 The Lord knows beginning from end. They are working on a baptismal date for June 22nd now.
We had a dinner with a member’s sisters. They had never had the missionaries over before and it was so fun! They cried when they heard the message about God’s eternal love for them. That it is so strong that He never wants to lead them astray in the world, so he sends prophets whenever the world is ready to listen to them. 🙂 One of the sisters had already been baptised twice so she called herself, “double dipped.” So when we invited her, she said, “Hmm…WHY NOT BE TRIPPLE-DIPPED??!” She was wonderful.We realized that the scripture D&C 50:22 is true.
22 Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are aedified and brejoice together. When you have a wonderful feeling of enlightenment when you teach, you know that you’re teaching by the spirit what the person needs to hear.
I am learning more and more everyday that being a missionary has nothing to do with how smart you are. All we have to do is let the spirit get in there and do the talking. Get out of the way and you will be so successful. 🙂
I love you so much. Thanks for encouraging people around you to listen to the gospel. I love you all for being who you are.
Thanks for your support and love!!!
Sister Stephanie Tobias 😉