Getting married in college is no foreign idea to 20-somethings of the Church.
While teaching seminary a few days ago I did a role play with the students where I asked a series of questions about marriage and they pretended to be a high school student, a missionary, and a 25 year old. Not too surprising, the responses I received for the “25 year old” were groans and moans about the pressures of marriage.
But perhaps this idea is a bit taken for granted. Last week I heard about this story, where a Princeton alum advised female Princeton students who sought professional and academic success plus family life, to find Mr. Right while at Princeton.
This advice SHOCKED people. She was called a lot of things, including an Anti-feminist and an Elitist. She handles this criticism like a champ, as seen in the piece for the Today show posted below.
Princeton Alum: Find Mr. Right in College
Here’s the thing: I agree with her. And I think the general culture of the Church agrees with her.
It’s not just for girls
I have a handful of friends who did not marry in college and later on found their spouse. Guess what? It was difficult for them. These men tried it all. Online dating, blind dates, group dates, and so on. Short of going through their high school yearbooks, they all seemed to reach their whit’s end and want to give up at one point or another. Not to mention they each were accused of being gay by people they love since they weren’t married. A few even had experiences like Joseph and Potiphar’s wife while trying to find Mrs. Right.
Finding your spouse in college is easier for everyone- you’ve got a campus full of people who have their stuff together enough to get into a higher education institution.
They’re not tied down to a career just yet. They can develop a relationship before they’re set in their ways.
Call it elitist, but I think it’s easier.
You’re not just choosing a college…
Living in Texas for handful of years we have seen and helped many young people in our ward and stake go to college.
My husband always says that he would love to hold a fireside or something to let these kids know that this choice sets up the rest of their life. Who they marry, where they live after they’re finished with school, it is often set by where we choose. Probably more so than the average college student- because LDS youth do not just choose an education, they potentially choose a spouse.
Think about it- you choose a spouse based on where the cost of living is cheaper.
You choose a spouse based on where you get a better scholarship.
On where your friends are going. On the weather (some folks can’t stand snow). On what you want to study. And so on.
Suddenly, you’ve not only picked a school that saves you $5,000- but also one that could take charge of the rest of your (eternal) life.
Okay, okay. I’m probably being a little too dramatic. While this is shocking news to the rest of the world, I think most of us Mormons just shrugged because we’ve heard it all before.
Still… I was glad to see that someone else shared our opinion.