Well, shoot.
Governor-Brother Romney didn’t win the election for President of the United States, but let’s take a look back at his time in the spotlight, and what it has meant, and will mean for Mormons.
First of all, and maybe this goes without saying, I still think it’s incredible that a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was one of two top contenders for President of the United States of America. I do think that the journey to get Brother Romney to be the GOP’s nominee was painful, in that so many of his own party were against him and then forced to support him, but that’s not specific to anything other than politics. Is it weird that, in 2012, I’m marveled at a Mormon coming thisclose to being President? Probably. I mean, I shouldn’t be, but I am. (Are you?)
Secondly, I think the topic of his religion took way less of a beating than it could have. There were people who ran wild with misconceptions and inaccuracies, garments were shown on national television, but overall, any misunderstandings were given room and time to be corrected. Those who were willing to accept the truth, the accurate answers about what being a Mormon means, how it defines or influences Mitt Romney and his potential job as President, learned a little bit; those who weren’t willing to learn, well . . . we’ll always have that. In fact, I see and hear many say inaccurate things about President Obama, but that’s a post for another day.
So what’s next for Brother Romney? Will he continue his career and maybe campaign for 2016? Will he retire? There’s been talk of another Olympic games in Salt Lake City . . . would he be involved there again? Would he consider an assignment given to him from President Obama? Moreover, what will his calling be? Will he be one of those tales we hear about where, “ . . . and after his campaign was finished, he returned home where he was called to serve in the nursery, and he says it’s the most important, and his favorite calling that he’s ever had!”
I’d certainly vote for him to be my home teacher.