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Dearest Lovelies,


I am so grateful to be apart of the mission field right now with such a huge influx of missionaries!!  I’m sure we’ll start seeing a bunch of young sisters here in the next couple of transfers!! I am so giddy about it!  🙂 The Lord has been preparing for this change for a long time, right under our noses!  I heard the new missionaries only have to stay in the MTC for 12 days if they are learning English, and 1 month for any language!  It’s a pretty smart move, because you learn so much more out in the field! 🙂


We had such a neat week though, my friends!  We were able to teach TWO lessons this week from a referal from a Brazillian member, Sister L.  She called us and said, “Seesters!  Come Qwuickly! Now!! Come Coooome!”  haha so we called someone to give us a ride and we taught her English Teacher about the gospel.  Sister L. has been having her read the Book Of Mormon and General Conference with her in English for “practice.” Haha So sneaky, huh? 🙂  But It was such a blessing for US!  This new investigator is adorable, Cathy K.! She has a baptism date for December 15th.  Pray that she’ll keep it!!! 🙂 🙂  And she even took us out to Chineese for Lunch! WOW!


We lost our keys to our bike lock… 🙁 But we called our Landlord and someone turned them in!! So we met the lady who turned them in, and she was SOOO sweet!  I felt like I had just walked into my grandma’s house! 🙂  She actually wanted to hear our message.  So we taught her the first lesson and invited her to be baptised!  So I KNOW we lost those keys for a reason! 🙂 🙂  We had two different men feed us at their doorstep when we were knocking on doors!  haha one made Gumbo and one made sausage.  Our investigators are too FUN!


We had a member call us last minute and take us out to dinner! 🙂 🙂  She asked us what we wanted and I suggested FISH!  And so she went to this Fish House where people had mink coats on, and SUPER Dooper fancy clothes!  Haha I looked at the menu and they had fish for $55 bucks and the cheapest was $20!! So I BEGGED her not to have us buy something here! Haha she was laughing so hard at us!  We were like, “Umm.. can you just take us to get some humble food, like french fries instead? We’re so sorry, but we can’t let you spend this much on us!!” She took us to Red Lobster.  It was so sweet.  I had no idea how spoiled missionaries are!! 🙂 


Yesteday I got to bare my testimony in spanish to a lady that we do service with! 🙂  She had us come over to her house, and we gave her a spanish book of Mormon and pamphlet.  There are so many people out there who are starving for truth, but they just thought they were hungry! 🙂


Missions bring out the best and worst in people!  I’ve definintely found that out.  I’m so grateful for my companions because they show me what I do that isn’t “the most fun to live with” so I will be more humble…  I felt like Nephi in 2 Nephi 4:26-27,30. But I will say this!  It’s neat to see when strangers come up to us and try to contend with us about how the “Mormons are nuts and they have all of this false doctrine.  So don’t try to convert people!” and then be able to talk to them about Jesus Christ and how He has blessed their life.   We show them that we’re not out here trying to change people, but to bring them closer to Christ and they always put their foot in their mouth.  Haha!  We never get in fights with people because it’s not the way to do it! :O)  It’s interesting that they put us down and discourage us that we’re not  Christ’s church, when they’re not being very Christian-like in the first place to put us down! 😛 Hmmm…


Well,  I love you SOOO SOO SOOOO uber de dooper much and wish you all of the greatest joys possible! 🙂  I might be getting a call on Saturday telling me if I’m getting TRANSFERED or not! How exciting!! I’m nervous though! 🙂


Loves and Kisses,

Sister Tobias

–An Elder said I would be an awful judge because I’m “Too-biased” hahahaha

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