My Dearest Squishies!
This week was a milestone in spirituality for me….It’s my last week of training! Which blows my mind. I still feel like I just got out of the MTC. Hehe Anyways! It was my first Zone Conference and my mission president met with my trainer and I individually. He pointed out some things I can work on and it completely humbled me. I never realized how much of an impact we can leave on members when we teach them the Doctrine of Christ (Faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End!) instead of just “chit-chatting” (which I am not going to do!!
) We’ve been praying our guts out for revelation on where to go to find new members, and I just realized that the spirit gives you the answers when you’re not forcing Him to speak to you!
Heavenly Father trusts us enough not to give us EVERY answer right away because we need to excercise the knowledge we already have around us, and use faith to build confidence in our own decisions! He’s such an amazing parent! He knows what we need way more than we do and He’ll let us grow and choose by ourselves.
GUESS WHAT?!!! Sister F. (my long lost cousin) bought me a new bike to use while I’m here! And an Elder gave my companion a way sweet beach cruiser WITH BASKETS to ride around!!
We named them “Urim” and “Thummim” after the stones that helped Joseph translate the Book of Mormon!
Teehee we had a blast this week and got to teach a lot more people! Can you believe that?! We’re so uber blessed!!!! Don’t worry Dad…we always wear helmets. :0)
We taught Steve a super BOLD lesson with Sis. S.! Haha it was so fun. She’s a convert and said, “I’m gonna look you straight in the eye. I’m telling you that this gospel is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will never trade it for anything!” He said an amazing prayer (I think for the first time!!) and said he’ll get baptised if it’s something He’s supposed to do. We’re gonna set a date next lesson and try to have a church tour with his son! Wooot Wooot!!
MY FAVORITE RECENT CONVERT STORY!!!! Ahhh!!! Her name is Lakita and she just came to our ward about a year ago. She’s one of the FUNNIEST people I’ve ever met. (She reminds me of a black Ricki Landers!) She always feeds her missionaries tons of food with Sister K. They are two black ladies from Chicago. Her life was a complete wreck before she found the missionaries. She said that she’d drink all night because she’d feel so depressed. Then she couldn’t find any jobs, smoked a lot, and didn’t know about the law of chastity… ;P. Anyways. She told us when she saw the elders waiting at the bus stop, a bright star flashed across their nametag. They started talking to her and got her number. Later that night, they showed up at her apartment and she was really shocked because she didn’t even give them her address! The spirit led the elders to her door without her giving them her address. She is SOOO strong in the gospel now and comes to church every week. I went to the temple with her a couple of weeks ago also.
I’m so glad I got to meet her.