Greetings Almost starting school people!!
Hehe! I got sooo happy yesterday when I realized that this is the first time in my life that I haven’t had to get ready for classes this fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead, I am helping others gain the most important knowledge they could ever gain in this life. Ain’t I lucky?! Hehe
Well, this week wasn’t the most sucessful week I’ve had out here, but I still definitely saw miracles happen! A couple of embarassing things happened this week! One story happened because I “got sick” in front of some members….won’t go into too much details, but I’ll let you guess what happened.
Another story happened the next day when we were visiting an investigator named Charles (He pronounces it CHAWS). I went to open the storm door and knock on the door inside, and it wouldn’t open, so I turned it harder, and the whole door handle just pulled RIGHT OFF!!! AHHHH!!! My trainer just laughed and laughed! We will have to explain that to him when he comes to the door next time….
The embarassing story was when President Jergensen’s wife came to visit us out here in Peoria! We had planned a really neat tour of the church with pictures, music, the Restoration movie, and flashlights with about 50 people. No one showed up…. It was so disapointing! I cried, knowing about all of the people who could’ve grown closer to Christ that missed that oppurtunity. :S
But for the good news! My trainer and I had an amazing companion inventory and we hashed out some things that helped us grow A LOT closer. We have really different personalities, but after praying super hard for humility, we are getting along much better! Yaaaay! We play basketball, volleyball, and kickball with the Elders every week for PDAY. Last week they invited like 13 people from the ghetto to play with us! It was sooo fun!! There were 2 girls who came along, so my trainer and I took one of them on a tour of the church. Her name was Valen, like Valentine without the “Tine”….
When we got to the Primary room, there were really neat pictures of the older prophets right next to Joseph Smith and President Monson. We gave her a brief history of the Restoration and how Heavenly Father loves us so much that he sends prophets to us to help bring light and understanding into the dark world. We asked her if she’s ever prayed before and she hadn’t, but she’d like us to help her. We all kneeled in a circle and I said the prayer to help her be guided to the truth. I blessed her with safety and protection from evil amidst other things. When I said Amen, she had tears streaming down her face. We didn’t say anything for like 5 minutes, but we ran to get her tissues. We told her this feeling was from the Holy Ghost, and he’s trying to show you God’s Love for you.
Then we took her into the chapel to sing her a hymns. Pretty soon the whole gang stopped playing basketball and came into the relief society to sing songs. This was prolly my favorite PDAY yet!! Awwww! Valen doesn’t live in our area. She was VISITING from Wisconsin!!! So that was the biggest miracle of all…we were barely able to catch her before she left out of town. We referred her to the Wisconsin Missionaries. Cross your fingers and pray for her, K?
Anyways…. I better head out! But I just love you to pieces and wish you the best in preparation for all the secular education comin up ahead!! hehe LOVE YOU!!!
Sister Tobias
P.S. Thanks for your prayers…. I really felt them this week