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To all that don’t like my Hair! I love my hair! I am someone that if i don’t have anything nice to say then i don’t say it at all! Do you want to know the reason i am that way? Ever since i was ten I have been made fun of the way I do my hair, the way I dress! The way my natural hair color is Blonde! Everything about me! I have cried myself to sleep some nights! But I made a promise to myself that I will not hurt others the way they have hurt me! By telling others negative things about them it hurts them! How many of you have gone to food or not eaten anymore because of what others has said! Or how many of you have thought about taking your own life?!

Lets become a people that lifts others and not bring them down! Everyone has talents and everyone has faults! Just because someone sins differently then you do, does not mean that they are not trying to become a better person! I got on Facebook today and bam my picture was there! Wow what would you think if it was you? I thought oh great How many of my pictures are being used or how many others are being used without being contacted first? I have talked to them now, after but Everyone I would please like to ask you to be kind to others let us lift others rather then bring them down! I have come to learn to let things go and do the best i can in life and that is all others are doing also!


Thank you for all that like my hair and i am sorry i can’t please everyone!



***Message from The Cultural Hall*** 

The Cultural Hall was built around the idea of being able to recognize what makes Mormons peculiar and have some light hearted fun with it. We have removed the picture from our Facebook page.

~Richie T



  • Catherine says:

    “If at any time Chelsea had asked us to take the photo down, we would have.”
    oh thats classic just blame the victim richie t.
    and none of this looked like light hearted fun to me.
    you lost a lot of respect

  • MeriKae says:


  • Amy says:

    I like her hair. It has this fun, retro feel with a modern twist. Keep the hair, Chelsea! It’s awesome.

    Granted, I’m a non-Mormon heathen, so my opinion probably doesn’t matter.

    • Klo says:

      I think that it is pathetic that anyone is critical of anyones looks. I am with Amy, I think it has a fun, retro feel. You are adorable.
      BTW, I’m a former Mormon…aka a born again heathen.

  • fred says:

    Just because you like it doesn’t mean it isn’t a good hair cut.

  • Amy says:

    Good means something different to everyone.

  • Deanna says:

    Chelsea, you are a brave girl. Be who you are. To hell with what other’s think! 🙂

  • Oh Please. They were just pointing out the OBVIOUS. Have you ever lived outside of Utah? Have you seen that haircut outside the borders of Zion?

    Oooh, right, New Jersey. Forgot about New Jersey.

    And it’s okay to make fun of Snookie’s hair…

  • C Jones says:

    I don’t think it is a statement about you personally the poofy round hair is a shape you just won’t see anywhere else I smiled at the picture because it reminded me of my ward back in UT growing up I am sad that the picture was used without your permission but for me it just made me think of good old home UT where it really is ok to have your hair cut the point is that a lot of women in UT have it for realizes and every one of them wear it because they like it

  • At least you posted your own picture for ridicule. I am a big Law of Moses supporter sometimes. Everyone have a laugh at Richie’s expense!!/photo.php?fbid=349649581778025&set=a.153691028040549.39152.124545794288406&type=3&theater

    I give them the benefit of the doubt. I am sure they weren’t trying to hurt anyone’s feeling. We all do short sighted silly things from time to time.

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