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Is this all there is to it?

I left the presence of God so I could turn my alarm off, get dressed, go to work, come home and go to bed? Rinse and repeat…everyday.


Surely a being, created in the very image of a god, has some purpose. There has to be more to this mortal existence, this test, than just making sure I don’t falter on my way to the office.


Call me crazy, but I believe every single person in existence has a purpose. How many times in the scriptures are ‘talents’ mentioned? How many prophets refer to an individual’s worth?


What are you worth?


I believe we are all given talents. We are blessed with something that makes us each unique; gives us personal worth. But what are we doing with it? How many of us are focused solely on getting to that job so we can pay the bills, feed the family, get home in time to watch The Walking Dead? (I’ll shamelessly raise my hand for the last one)


The world is in shambles because the people do not believe in nor reach for the greatness they have hidden within. We are destined to be gods. Shouldn’t we start acting like it?


Here is my proposal: To make this the year you discover the greatness within.


My goal is to find people who have decided they are worth more than just a paycheck and a cable bill; people who have found their greatness deep within and embraced it. I want to provide all you readers with examples of the ordinary becoming extraordinary.


However, this is a large task, and I will need your help.


If you yourself or someone you know has an inspiring story, or just a desire to discover what sets you, an individual, a part from the rest of the world; please feel free to contact myself through the comments below. Leave enough information (name, email) so that I may contact you.


Together we can open people’s eyes to the great things people are achieving everyday in their lives. We are more than paychecks, more than a social security number, we are children of God and we have a purpose.



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  • Elemieu says:

    I don’t see any other comments, perhaps those that responded took to more personal means. I am still working my way through the archives to become a “lifer” and would be interested to hear or read some “average joes” inspirational stories. It is a daunting takes to live to ones potential but I feel by surrounding ones self With those that have, can give rise to the strength within to chase and claim your own.

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