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She served in Afghanistan from 2003-2005. She became Miss Utah in 2007. Now she takes on her hardest challenge ever…being a MOM! (Dramatic music would HAVE to be playing underneath in order for this to sound right) Jill Shepherd can turn beef into fish AND has better sailing skills than Bill Murray in What About Bob. That doesn’t make sense? Of course it won’t until you listen to this episode of The Cultural Hall.


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  • Brian Alama says:

    Concerning the comments read here about episode 21, especially the last one that mentions the blacks. I feel that is a comparison of apples and oranges. Blacks were not allowed to hold the priesthood due to a curse laid on them by the Lord. The same thing happened in the Book of Mormon with the Lamanites which was also lifted due to their increased faith which surpassed that of the Nephites. Homosexuality is totally different in that the practice of same sex marriage goes against the Plan of Salvation where blacks in the Priesthood do not. True if that practice was allowed to continue it would hinder the progression of those people, this is where I believe faith comes into play. I agree that those who struggle with homosexuality need to be welcomed and loved as that is the Christ like thing to do. I don’t believe that we should treat the issue the same as blacks not receiving the Priesthood. Again, the point that I am trying to make is homosexuality does not support the Plan of Salvation, it fights it. I strongly believe the Lord will not change his mind on this matter to accommodate the changing views of the World, remember the Lord does not change. This practice was not accepted in the Old Testament so why would that change now?

  • A lot of people don’t realize that like all superheroes, Jill has a fatal weakness, and that is hot sauce. I think one of my favorite memories from SUU was competing against her in a game of Distraction, where the first round required you to drink half a shot of hot sauce before answering a trivia question. I purposefully started buzzing in second just to watch Jill try and choke that hot sauce down. After the two hours in the bathroom that followed, however, I realized she was still the winner (and I think she won the overall game, too).

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