Richie gave me a pretty hard time about tweeting a Mormon General Conference quote back in October. I get it. I became “one of them”. Those people who tweet and retweet every inspirational, supposed life-altering message they come across. They fill their statuses with touching one-liners, musical lyrics, or quotes taken from Alma, or the Tony Robbins Foundation. (i <3 tony!)
So call me cliche. I was proud of my first conference tweet. ( i <3 tweets from @laurenruthie) And I was touched with what Mrs. Dalton had to say about fatherhood.
I’ve always held to the belief that when two people become one, and are married, they are committing to put each other first. They are both the others priority. It seems logical, but I wonder how common it is? I’m definitely not claiming this from experience (obviously) but I believe that the best thing a married couple could do for their children is to show love and compassion, first and foremost, for each other. And this is why I just…couldn’t…help…myself, but to tweet the wise and inspirational words of Sister Dalton. And it’s also why I decided to have fun with photoshop this week. (i <3 photoshop). not to mention, i’m avoiding laundry. (i <3 avoiding).
So, to Conference tweet, or not to Conference tweet? What are you thoughts? What about tweeting scriptures? Blogging them? Cliche? or inspirational? what about tweeting them while wearing skinny jeans? While drinking a coke? So many questions. I’d love your thoughts! –Lauren