What a glorious Easter I had! This was the first Easter where I truly thought about what Easter means…besides Bunnies and Peeps and Jelly Beans! Sister King and I got an Easter Basket and filled it with pictures of Christ, “The Lamb of God” DVD, and Copies of the BOM to take around to people we met on the street. 😉 It was SO FUN to be the Easter Bunny with a real gift. I asked a little girl what her favorite thing about Easter was, and she said, “How the Easter Bunny brings gifts in my basket!” And I told her this: We get a gift from a basket every week! During the sacrament, someone brings around bread and water to give us the gift of repentance as we renew our promise to keep Heavenly Father’s commandments! 🙂
The message I wanted to talk about with the members and other people we taught this month was about how the Book of Mormon really helps us get to know our Savior so much better than any other book. In 3 Nephi 11: 14-17 Christ says that He let about 2500 people come and touch him individually. If I did the math right, it would’ve taken 7 hours if each person could touch Him for 6 seconds. I have a testimony that one day, every single one of us will get to feel the prints in his hands and feet and we will never, ever want to leave His presence. We will do anything possible to stay with him forever and ever! Please remember that on your dark days, and you will feel peace that the atonement is possible and real!! 🙂
Jessica is adorable! We taught her and she’s still on track for baptism on April 13th. She made us a heart that said, “Thank you for teaching us!” Since she’s still in Activity Days…we got to go with her! We did YOGA! Hehe 😉 We wanted to be her friend. 🙂
We had so much fun on Saturday with a service project we helped organize with one of our favorite girls in the ward. She invited some of her non-member and member friends to make Easter cards and decorations for the old lonely ladies in our ward. There were 6 ladies we took the decorations, cookies, and also “egged” their yard with easter eggs. 😉 One lady cried when she opened the door and told us she just got diagnosed with cancer and now is getting reminded that God loves her. Awww 🙂 This was one of my favorite things to do on my mission so far. The girls had so much fun. We hope to teach the girls that came with us as she felt the spirit of Christ through service!
THe members are really starting to trust us. We received 6 member referrals this week. A family came up to me and said, “We have a family we want you to teach!” And again…I asked a family who they are working with with spreading missionary work, and they said, “umm…they’re not really ready right now for the gospel.” And I said, “What’s their names? We’ll pray for them this week.” She told us their names were the MBoowa family and they were from Uganda. We were working at the Family Museum and I was prompted to start talking to this family. I found out that it was the MBoowa family!!!!!!!!!! I told them I knew someone that knew them, and that ended up in a discussion about when they want to learn about the gospel! We have an appointment to teach them on Friday!!!! AHHH!!! It’s such a miracle. I LOVE Praying sooo much. I could never be on my knees long enough to express my gratitude for each day I spend out here. 🙂
I love you all so much….and that is NO APRIL FOOL’S joke! 🙂
Have an amazing Conference weekend! Pay attention to the one that sticks out to you. There will be one that’s meant just for you, because we are all precious to Jesus Christ! And that’s how He speaks to us. 🙂
Sister Tobias 🙂 🙂 🙂