Anyone who has lived in the Southern part of Utah is aware of the Parowan Prophet. He is (how do we say this kindly?) a little out there.
Or is he…
I got this email from Leland, the Parowan Prophet. While the first part is absolutely crazy…what with the whole “Shooting Mitt Romney” thing.
However, I happen to agree with the part that is highlighted.
Leland Freeborn was my priest quorum advisor in California long before he embraced polygamy and relocated to s. Utah. I can attest this is an individual who is way out there. Years ago he “prophesied” that the Russian’s were going to launch an all-out nuclear attack and named the exact date. Of course it didn’t happen and when called on it by the media his response was, “Hey, don’t blame me I was just repeating what the angel told me.”