About one month ago our stake called a special Sunday meeting. The whole area knew what was coming- they were finally re-doing ward boundaries. Thanks to a slow upturn in the housing market, our neighborhood had been experiencing major growth. We were now numbered amongst the first members of the Daybreak 11th ward.
One week went by without any phone calls. We knew that meant all major auxillary positions had been filled. When we finally got a call from the new ward secretary asking if my husband and I would meet with the 2nd counselor, we knew 3 things. 1) we were getting a calling 2) we were gonna be Primary teachers 3) we would gladly accept. You can’t have a ward of 150 primary-aged kids without people to teach them. Primary callings are often turned down & we didn’t want to contribute to that issue.
I was totally shock when I was asked to be the 1st counselor in the Primary Presidency. Of course, I accepted. In fact, I was actually really excited! I was being given a chance to “prove myself” in a bigger role. I knew I should be feeling overwhelmed- it just so happened that in that same week I had also become a blogger for The Hall. There were also my other duties: mothering 3 boys 4 & under, working part time…(When it rains, it pours!) But when I was sustained in sacrament meeting later that day, I was all smiles. I didn’t know any of the women I would be serving with. Their names were foreign to me & I was a little puzzled at how I got called to be a counselor to a woman I had never met. Was I suggested to her by the Bishop? Did she receive some cosmic revelation regarding me? MASH?…
It wasn’t until our first Presidency meeting that the “weight of my calling” finally hit. It was a 3.5 hour meeting that probably could have gone on longer were it not for our brains turning to mush. Think about the logistics: It was Tuesday. We had 150 kids who would have no idea where to go on Sunday. We had no teachers. We didn’t have a piano player. We didn’t even know how many classrooms would be available to us. No binders or manuals. No nursery snacks. No budget. Most of us were still trying to figure out who was even in our ward. AND on top of it all, our new ward had the odd “reverse block”: 3rd hour first, sacrament meeting last (with another ward’s primary trying to get their sharing time started in the same room we were attempting to vacate), with church ending at 4pm.
How in heck were we going to pull it all off…I was freaked out.