Remember when the church decided to weigh in the whole California Prop 8 thing?
Progressive Mormons were like…
And every time a church leader mentions religious liberty, progressive Mormons are like…
However it’s not just our left-leaning friends who take issue with statements made by the church.
The church has made several statements about immigration, and every time they do, conservative members are like…
Or that time the church wanted us to help Syrian refugees and conservatives were all like…
And let’s not forget when the church spoke out against Donald Trump for promoting religious discrimination.
This most recent statement made conservative church members all like…
During this Christmas season I’d ask people to remind themselves what the season represents.
Christmas represents the birth of Christ. He was born to die for all of us. White, black, gay, straight, democrat, republican, veteran and refugee.
He was sent here for all of us.
He established his church, raised up leaders to guide us in his absence, served everyone who crossed his path and then eventually died.
He was not a Zealot, Scribe, Sadducee, Essene or Pharisee.
He was the son of God and did the Father’s will.
And we should be more like that.
We should remember his life and the example he was for all of us.
Hopefully this reminder will make us a little less divisive/partisan and a little more like him.
Politics are important and we should be actively involved in our communities as well as our nation. And there are a lot of people in the church with various opinions that are bound to be diametrically opposed to the beliefs of other members.
But we must always remember The Christ’s Gospel does not fall neatly into one specific ideology or another.
You don’t have to be a republican or a democrat to be a Christian.
You just have to follow Christ.
This Christmas, let’s focus a little less on presents, a little less on our political candidates and a little more on service and the Gospel as Christ did.
So let’s yell a little less at each other during this holiday season (and the upcoming year) and help spread good vibes instead.
You’ll know if you’re doing it right if you see the people around you all like…
Featured image by paulgalbraith