So, you’re ready to get organized but you realize you have too much stuff! Time to get rid of a few things, but you can’t because…
You paid good money for it
Maybe you forked over $100 for a pair of shoes that hurt your feet every time you wear them. But they were $100 you tell yourself… every time you don’t wear them. Like, all those clothes that you don’t fit anymore; or the couch that doesn’t match the décor any longer. It may have cost you a bunch of money to begin with, but it’s costing you a lot more in the space it’s taking up while you’re lamenting over money that’s already gone.
So, why not make some of that money back? I’m not talking about a yard sale. I’ve had lots of luck selling hardly worn, and even gently used, shoes and clothing on ebay or a local consignment shop. Furniture and larger items are fairly easy to sell on Craigslist. It might make it easier to release these items if you get a little cash from it – cash you can put towards an item you actually need or will use.
Someone special gave it to you
There is always that gift (or several) that you have in the attic/garage/closet collecting dust and never getting used. Why? Because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. Instead, it’s taking up space, time and money, being hidden away. How is that not hurting someone’s feelings, again?
If you are special to someone, I can guarantee that they don’t want you cluttering up your home with gifts that you don’t use or like… or both! It is time to say goodbye to those items, and the guilt. You’ll both feel better knowing that it has gone to someone who does need it or will use it.
It holds a special memory
Trophies, old toys, the first comforter you ever purchased, furniture that belonged to a family member who passed away; you’re holding onto it because it reminds you of something or someone. An item may feel like a way of holding on to that person, place, or event but, trust me, you can have happy memories without having a physical reminder in your home.
Maybe there are several small things (like trophies, ribbons, or toys) that you can whittle down to your 3-5 favorite items and finally display them with pride. If you have furniture that doesn’t fit your décor, or home, it’s time to fix it or find it a new place for that cabinet or couch to live. If the only reason you are keeping something is to “remind” you… take a photo and then send the item to a new home where it will be used and treasured. Memories live in your heart, not your closet.
You don’t know how to get rid of it
Electronics, batteries, paint… you know you can’t throw these in the trash so they sit in the garage, gathering dust and taking up space. Are you keeping paperwork because you don’t know how long you are supposed to keep it? This can apply to any number of items, nothing is more frustrating than having something you want to get rid of but you don’t know how.
Look it up! Google is a great resource for figuring out how long you need to keep paperwork or finding a recycling facility for toxic substances, like paint. Electronics, power cords, old cell phones, etc, can all be taken to Best Buy, they’ll get rid of everything for you. Bottom line: don’t let “not knowing” stop you. There is always somewhere or someone willing to take your trash off your hands. Be diligent, and you’ll find them.
You might need it some day
Extra cameras, 17 extra screw drivers, parts to things you don’t own anymore… If you are keeping something because you “might” need it some day… you don’t need it. If you absolutely must, keep one back up in case the one you use currently breaks. If you haven’t used it in a year, or more, you don’t need it! You bought it, you can buy a newer better one if you ever really do need it again. But for the time being, it is taking up space and someone else can use it. Let it go!
Turn your clutter into good deeds…
If you need another gentle push, think about the people who will benefit from the items you no longer need. The Box Project matches you with a family similar to yours, that could really use your gently worn/used items. They will send you a box to fill and then you send it off. Easy peasy!
I’m Sarah from Happily Ever Organized. I grew up in Salt Lake City the oldest of three girls, and my mother never had to ask me to clean my room. I have always been passionate about organizing and helping others find the joy in being organized in their own way. I’m obsessed with organization inspiration, interior design I can copy, cute running clothes, and the best garlic fries, with fry sauce of course. Come visit me at Happily Ever Organized or follow me on Pinterest!
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