1. Girls’ Camp. Plural possessive. Right?
2. I hate this. Why do I volunteer to be a leader?
3. I loved camp as a girl.
4. Can’t we camp somewhere closer to home?
5. I hope I get some sleep on the drive to camp.
6. They should widen this road.
7. This campsite is a LOT better than last year’s.
8. At least this place is beautiful.
9. Bears?
10. Coyotes?
11. I’m glad we only do this once a year.
12. Glad I brought this bug thing to clip onto my pocket; I wonder if it really keeps bugs away.
13. Which cabin should I choose?
14. When’s lunch?
15. I’m thirsty.
16. This cot better be easy to set up.
17. If I EVEN see a mouse in this cabin, I will flip out.
18. Can we come up with a better name for ‘Golden Hour’?
19. Where’s The Meadow? I thought this whole place was a meadow.
20. People keep asking me about this bug clip-thing. Yes, it works.
21. What a perfectly beautiful day.
22. Is my daughter dehydrated?
23. Are the other leaders as excited/not excited as I am to be here?
24. I miss my phone.
25. Who’s that girl? Red flag: she will need a lot of attention.
26. I should make tin foil dinners for dinner at home some time.
27. Seriously, this tin foil dinner is DELICIOUS.
28. Isn’t flag ceremony kind of a joke?
29. That FHE lesson was a success, I think. I hope.
30. Yesssss, it’s campfire time.
31. Oh man – do we seriously have this little chocolate for s’mores? This will be a problem
32. How can I get a message to someone from home to bring more chocolate?
33. Okay, girls, go to bed.
34. Time for bed for me: 12:00 a.m.
35. Last time I looked at my watch before falling asleep: 2:40 a.m.
36. I’m glad I have people who will go running with me, even at camp.
37. I can’t breathe; so frustrated at the altitude (and my lungs).
38. No shower after a run? Let the gross begin.
39. I hate changing my clothes in this cabin.
40. Who’s turn is it to help with breakfast cleanup?
41. Girls! Have some respect! Flag ceremony is not a joke!
42. I need a name for this bug thing clipped to my pants. Bug vibrator is not an option.
43. There are so many more bugs and critters down here by the lake.
44. Yes, “critters.”
45. Not a cloud in the sky.
46. I’m actually impressed with how the girls are using their ‘solo time.’
47. I hate when I forget to grab my headlamp before it gets dark.
48. It’s cooler tonight than last night.
49. Time for bed for me: 11:40 p.m.
50. Last time I looked at my watch before falling asleep: 1:20 a.m.
51. There’s the sunrise. I have to pee, but is getting up to walk to the “bathroom” worth it?
52. Oh, goody! Hike day!
53. Girls, 5 miles is NOT a long hike. You live in the mountains. You’re FINE.
54. Uh, this map is crazy wrong.
55. “Yeah, let’s just, uh, hike up to the top there…yes, through the weeds.”
56. Someone should re-map this place. Sheesh.
57. Look! Deer!
58. She fell? Great – who has a first aid kit? None of the leaders? Awesome.
59. Settle down. Stop acting like you got attacked by a shark. It’s just a scrape.
60. This first-year girl gets an award for being the ONLY ONE with a first aid kit.
61. Yes, the hike is done. No, it is not nap time.
62. This cabin smells like a rabbit hutch.
63. Oh, look! My husband. I’m glad he’s here for the day.
64. “Sure, I’ll look over your notes for your fireside tonight.”
65. “Sure, I’ll help you and speak with you at your fireside tonight.”
66. I like when our ward Relief Society leaders come to camp to teach our girls.
67. Can our ward camp director EVER get a break? She deserves a nap.
68. Speaking of naps, I’m just going to…right here in the sunshine…
69. Just heard, “Oh! Don’t step on her!” Nap’s over.
70. Stake Youth Camp Leaders sure can be sassy, eh?
71. Time to give the fireside to the Mia Maids & Laurels: “Put some clothes on.”
72. Time to give the fireside to the Beehives: “You’re too young to be dating.”
73. Bless the ward YW president for bringing Hershey’s bars AND Reece’s PB cups.
74. I’m not going into that stanky cabin tonight until I’m tired.
75. Looks like tonight is Leaders Tell Their Stories late night around the fire.
76. My bedtime: 2-ish.
77. I will never be not tired again.
78. Another waterfront day – it’s much cooler by the water, and I like it.
79. I love helping on the dock with the canoes.
80. I do not love getting hit in the face with a canoe.
81. My broken sunglasses probably love their new home at the bottom of the lake.
82. I have worn the same pants this entire week. I am disgusting.
83. Oh, look! Clouds! Will it rain at all? I’d actually welcome it at this point.
84. One more sleep until I get to go home.
85. Phantom buzzing. I grabbed the bug buzzer from my pocket, mistaking it for my phone.
86. Oh my goodness, 13YO, PLEASE stop yelling about how much you hate everyone.
88. Oh, good – an open box of Lucky Charms in the cabin.
89. “Girls, you can take five minutes to clean the cabin. Go.”
90. The bishop is here! The bishop is here!
91. The bishop brought Café Rio for dinner. THE CHURCH IS TRUE.
92. I like seeing the bishopric members and their wives in an informal setting.
93. Pretty sure camping would kill the ward clerk’s wife.
94. It’s so cold, SO COLD tonight. Glad I brought a parka.
95. Testimony meeting was fairly without drama. Only one girl spoke up twice.
96. This fire, no matter how big, will never warm me completely.
97. Bedtime: 1:something.
98. We can and will have camp completely cleaned before the buses get here.
99. I feel like I’m sleep-walking.
100. Last year I went to camp; this year I was a camp leader.